First Place - Netflix
Our first place winners took a look at an app we all use far too much, Netflix. One of their highest praises from the judges was that they didn't redesign the entire interface, they took a look at a few key pain points and honed in on making the app more usable. Combined with their new product, the Netflix Beem, the Netflix Team created a great new binge-watching experience!
Second Place - Wikipedia
Our Second Place team took a look at a website everyone loves to hate, Wikipedia. They completely rehauled it's design, making it much more user-friendly, as well as pleasing to look at. They re-organized the hierarchy of information, and included a profile function for better policing of article editing. Over, the Wikipedia team created a more cohesive and easily understandable information giant.
Third Place - Drinking Buddies
Our third place winners went a different route, and chose to redesign an experience! Instead of marking your number of drinks in a night on your wrist, they created a simple Apple Watch App interface to help count for you! They created this feature, along with several others, including different assigned labels and rideshare options to optimize your experience.